I found this amazing article from one of my friends blog all credits go to him.This Article will guide you to how to Publish a Kindle book to amazon successfully.If you have any question you are free to place a comment below.I f you want convert your any kind of document to kindle format check my fiverr gig
if you have plane to upload book to Amazon, then you should know these points also
1. Automatically publish to Kindle stores on Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.de, simultaneously
2. Choose several languages including English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, or Italian
3. Price Setting for US Dollars, Pounds Sterling, or Euros and choose between 35% or 70% commissions
4. Kindle apps expand your reach beyond the Kindle and onto iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, PC, Mac, Blackberry, Android-based devices and Windows Phone 7
5. Submit your e-book to the Amazon Kindle Singles storefront
With all these advantages, Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is best described as simple, flexible and far-reaching.
Lets Start Uploading your well formated (HTML, MOBI,PRC) file to kindle store via your registered Account
Step 1 – Write (and Format) the Book!
What file format does the Amazon Kindle use?
Usually .MOBI, .PRC, files.
In addition to the file formats listed above, you can also convert other personal documents to read on your Kindle. The supported file formats are listed below:
• Microsoft Word (.DOC) • Structured HTML (.HTML, .HTM) • JPEG (.JPEG, .JPG) • GIF (.GIF) • PNG (.PNG) • BMP (.BMP) • Compressed ZIP (.ZIP)
In addition to the above the Kindle can also display PDF formated documents.
NOTE: .MOBI, .PRC files will give you proper formated file and user frenly look on Kindle
Step 2 – Sign Into Amazon KDP With Your Account
Whether your book is completely finished or a work-in-progress, head over tohttp://kdp.amazon.com and sign in with ease through your pre-existing Amazon.com account information.
Otherwise, you will have to sign up for a free Amazon account to access Amazon KDP.
Step 3 – “Add a New Title” to your KDP Bookshelf
To create a new publication, click the “Add a new title” button. This will create your new project.
Step 4 – Edit Book Details in the “Your Book” Tab
Now, it’s time to add all the necessary information about your book.
First, you’ll start by adding the book’s name, and optionally include a Series Title, Volume number and Edition number.
Most important will be investing some time into writing a strong description of the book, which is actually what will be displayed below your book’s basic information on Amazon Kindle Store (and ultimately help sell the book). This is how it will display:
Now Time to Upload Cover
Upload Your Book Cover also
Moving on to the next step of your book’s details, you’ve given the option to upload a book cover, which I highly recommend.
Amazon recommends either a JPEG (.jpeg) or TIFF (.tif or .tiff) image with dimensions of 1280 pixels wide by 550 pixels tall, and a standard resolution of 72 dpi.
After you upload your cover image, you can choose whether or not you want to enabledigital rights management (DRM) which intends to (keyword intends, but does not guarantee) the unauthorized distribution of the Kindle file of your book.
This prevents your customer from being able to share or “lend” your book to a friend for any period of time, and is irreversible once your book is uploaded.
Step 5 – Properly Format Your Book for Upload
NOTE: .MOBI, .PRC files will give you proper formated file and user frenly look on Kindle
Finally, hit Save and Continue to carry onto the final page of your book’s upload.
Step 6 – Wait Till Amazon’s Approve the Book
When you are finished with providing all of the details and price specifications of your book, your submission will take usually 24 hours for Amazon to officially approve.
Credits go to - http://computertipssupport.blogspot.com/2012/07/get-your-ebook-on-amazon-kindle.html
Credits go to - http://computertipssupport.blogspot.com/2012/07/get-your-ebook-on-amazon-kindle.html